IBLCE Exam Over....
Not that it was that big a deal. After all, this IS the fourth time I've taken it -- once in 1987 (now THAT was a big deal!!), once in 1997, again in 2002, and now for my 20 year recertification.
A lot of lactation consultants are annoyed that they have to retake the exam every 10 years (recertifying by continuing education at the 5 & 15 year marks). Frankly, I think it is a good idea, but am very grateful that the state of Illinois doesn't feel the same way about my nursing license. Whew!
There were 59 of us down at Rush yesterday -- sorta like old home week, meeting and greeting fellow lactation consultants from all over. Lots of them had taken one or more of my courses, and that was great fun. Many I've known since I took my first exam 20 years ago.
Have we really been doing lactation consulting that long??
In October we get our results. And we'll know if we are still IBCLCs at that point.
I'm not really worried about that. But it would be nice to improve on my score from 5 years ago to prove that I've learned SOMETHING these past 5 years!!
The Grandbaby Boychild
A whirlwind trip to Naples...major good shopping with Jill (thank you Ann Taylor Loft) and discovery of a new favorite store (Hello Chicos!). Incredible lightning storm/show to the south on Friday night -- have never before observed HORIZONTAL streaks of lightning, but there they were. Didn't see either the black bear or the eastern diamondback rattler that was coiled on their front stoop one day. Thank goodness. Derrick has put mothballs all around their property which is supposed to keep them away -- also they have two owls nesting on their land which may keep the snakes at bay.
Such fun with the grandbaby boychild. I've missed him so much -- he's talking -- A LOT! Funny how quickly knowing how to play with a three year old comes back. "Motorboat, motorboat go so slow...motorboat motorboat go so fast...motorboat motorboat STEP ON THE GAS!" That came back to me in the pool which is a delightful respite from the humidity and heat -- and being under a pool cage we weren't tormented by gnats and little no-see-ums that plague southwestern FL in the rainy season.
Our time together went by all too fast. Deven had a minor meltdown at the airport when he realized I was leaving -- "That's OK, my sweet Dev; Grammie almost did too, but because she is old, she hides it better."
They are coming "home" in August for about 6 days. Then it will be Papa's time to play.
Nearly 10,000 hits....
Of course, I realize a lot of blogs get that in a day. Mine has been up just over two years (and no, they aren't all MY hits -- so there!) and I'm thinking this is sort of a bloggish milestone to celebrate. Not quite sure what I should do in the way of celebration.
A. I could break a bottle of champagne over the computer.
A-1. Um -- not such a hot idea. I'm not sure if champagne does to keyboards what kitty urp does. Better not try just in case. And -- what a waste of good champagne!
B. I could post something really erudite and witty.
B-1. Maybe not. The trouble with that is, one has to BE erudite & witty, and I'm not even sure what erudite means.
C. I could change how the blog looks. YES!
C-1. No. I'd probably lose everything.
E. I could click on my blog 5 more times and get to 10,000 before the night is out.
E-1. Now that's REALLY a dumb idea.
Instead of celebrating, I think I'm going to have to cave and call an orthopedic something or other. My knee has decided it is going to give out on me periodically. Just -- crumple. Very annoying, painful, and quite stupid looking when I lurch around the grocery store on on the street when it happens. So maybe tomorrow. Or maybe after I get back from Florida from seeing -- yes -- that is how I will celebrate!! I will see the GRANDBABY BOY-CHILD!! And my Jill! And Derrick!! And I will take pictures -- and post them. (Betcha just can't wait).
Good celebrations -- only 3 more days and I'm THERE!
Hope Jill isn't planning on us taking any long walks....
203rd Post....
I was going to try to remember to post on July 3 -- the second anniversary of when I started this blog, but life has a way of whizzing by....
I'm actually trying to get ready to head for Indianapolis for a three day board meeting where Linda, Carole & I hope to get things accomplished that are much more difficult to do by phone than in person. So Linda is flying in tomorrow morning and I'll pick her up at the airport. My bonus is, of course, that I get to spend this evening and tonight at my favorite D&B (Dinner & Bed).
Torrey and Chris were here for the fourth -- we had a great time, as usual! The Wheaton Parade is a tradition; usually 2 1/2 hours of bands, motorcycles, fire engines, politicians, and a few floats. College Church didn't enter one this year; they don't always, but when they do, it is magnificent! This year we had "Old Queenie" (brought to us by the Republican party. The Democrats did not return the favor and bring us a donkey in return.

Being that this was the year of the cicada (see a previous post), Carlson's Glass brought us their versions:

After the parade was the barbeque -- Jen and Susie joined us for chicken, hamburgers, brats, veggie tray, 7 layer salad, and Rosie's Baked Beans. And -- of course, birthday cake for Torrey. Since her due date was the Fourth of July, it's a great day to celebrate!
Fireworks at the fairgrounds capped off the day. Torrey has to take the LSW exam as she is applying for a part time on call job at the hospital, and despite already being an MSW, she has to be licensed. So Chris brought his blackberry (I think I want one!!) and we sat out before the show began and took an on-line test. It was tough! The first time we did it, Bob did the best -- The pharmacist beat out two social workers and a psych major/RN? Go figure! So then we pooled our resources -- and did worse than when we were dong it individually!
I dare say we were the only ones that were taking an on-line social work exam while waiting for fireworks to begin.
It was a lovely day. And a lovely week. Jen and I went shopping last Monday -- operation care package for Tim -- dang, but I miss that boy! Torrey and I went shopping on Friday to spend the gift certificate to Ann Taylor Loft that was burning a hole in her pocket -- and to make a Costco run where I found several of (one of) my new favorite author's novels in paperback for only $4.49 each!
And we ended the week with 7-7-07 being a memorable day for Liz Anne -- she was admitted to the hospital and had an emergency appendectomy! Rosie (of baked bean fame) called while she was driving the 7 hours from Brookhaven to Chattenooga -- in the rain; both of us wondering why God allowed it to happen then -- and not 24 hours earlier when Liz Anne was still in Brookhaven with her family. Wonder if we'll ever know? Rob e-mailed this morning, and Liz Anne came through surgery fine, and should be discharged today. I suspect she isn't going to start her new job tomorrow as originally planned....
Oh yes, and the cicadas are nearly gone. We ended up with far more this year than 17 years ago....but still nothing like they had in some of the other suburbs.
I'm really rather glad about that.