IBLCE Exam Over....
Not that it was that big a deal. After all, this IS the fourth time I've taken it -- once in 1987 (now THAT was a big deal!!), once in 1997, again in 2002, and now for my 20 year recertification.
A lot of lactation consultants are annoyed that they have to retake the exam every 10 years (recertifying by continuing education at the 5 & 15 year marks). Frankly, I think it is a good idea, but am very grateful that the state of Illinois doesn't feel the same way about my nursing license. Whew!
There were 59 of us down at Rush yesterday -- sorta like old home week, meeting and greeting fellow lactation consultants from all over. Lots of them had taken one or more of my courses, and that was great fun. Many I've known since I took my first exam 20 years ago.
Have we really been doing lactation consulting that long??
In October we get our results. And we'll know if we are still IBCLCs at that point.
I'm not really worried about that. But it would be nice to improve on my score from 5 years ago to prove that I've learned SOMETHING these past 5 years!!
You are smart as a whip and I'm sure you did great. Would you mind taking my exam for me?
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