Being a Grammie in FL
This is my 5th day of being a Grammie to Deven and Laura. The job is lots of fun -- Laura sleeps a lot during the day, so Jill and I have time to visit -- and, believe it or not -- read! Derrick is home for the first month, so there really isn't all that much for me to do besides laundry, wash dishes and pump parts, and hold the baby. Oh -- and play Memory with Deven which I'm sure is helping me stave off Alzheimers! The fact that Deven generally wins doesn't bode well for the staving off part, but at least I'm working at it.
They haven't asked me to cook. Good thing. Derrick is excellent, and as we all know, I'm quite capable of applying microwave to food, but not actually COOK.
We're getting more rain -- probably from the effects of Gustav. We can tell because the raindrops make little "G's" in the pool....