Thursday, November 30, 2006
Sunday, November 12, 2006
He's Finally Over Here
He got in on Friday.
By the way, the International Terminal at O'Hare is really really ugly. Not exactly comfortable seating for waiting families, not to mention -- well, it is just really, really ugly.
I waited impatiently by the big round post near the "B" exit, too excited to even read my book. I'm sure everyone on the 777 emerged before The Timster did.
"I was grilled by customs -- and then by homeland security," he said. I'm glad our federal agents are doing their job, but I didn't think my 6'4", blonde, blue-eyed son fit the profile. "What were you doing Over There? Why did you go? Who were you visiting? How did you know them? What do you do here? Where are you going now? What do your parents do? Your mother is a WHAT?"
At that, they let him go. I guess they figured that the son of a lactation consultant was probably not your local terrorist.
It was SO good to see him!
Have I mentioned that the International Terminal at O'Hare is really really ugly?
He has stories beyond stories. He hasn't decided where he is going to spend the next two years, though each team invited him to come back. After the first week, he had an amazing time. To see what God is doing Over There, particularly in the very poor city he stayed in for two weeks was eyeopening.
I really want him to go where God wants him to go, but I'm hoping God wants him to go where I want him to go.....
I think God is going to have to change my mind about where I want him to go.
He did laundry, and we went to Red Lobster which is our usual "Tim coming back from overseas" place to eat. Astonishing that he's been overseas so often that we actually have a tradition.
It is so good to have him home.
Church was better this morning because he was there....but after the poverty of where he has been, the riches and excesses of the western world are embarassing.
He's back in his apartment, hanging out with a bunch of friends and looking forward to watching a Bears game tonight. Go Bears!

Delivering food from the USA to squatters in the desert who live too far from the city marketplace.

The toilet used by one and all in the compound where Tim stayed in one of the cities.
Thursday, November 09, 2006
The Timster Cometh...

Tim comes home TOMORROW!! I can't wait....
He's in Casablanca today -- had a 30 hour layover, so spent last night and is spending today with a team there. I hope they have time to take him around the city, though I have to say he's pretty good now at wandering around on his own. I'd love for him to see where they filmed -- well, um, Casablanca.
This is Tim, (with Torrey) just over 5 weeks ago, the last time I saw him... I wonder how much he will have changed.
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Jill as Nurse Practitioner

Having a family nurse practitioner in the fam is wonderful -- as is having a pharmacist, an ER nurse, two social workers, a lactation consultant, and a soon to be missionary.
All we need is an attorney who is also a computer guru. Then we'd have all our bases covered.
The immediate extended family involves two pastors, a school nurse, and a teacher.
And we all LIKE each other!
Today is my sister Rosie's 32nd wedding anniversary. It occurred to me as Lyn, Rosie & I were exchanging e-mails that collectively we have 91 years of marriage between us. Maybe we should have a party when we reach 100....
Sunday, November 05, 2006
Observations on Daughter as Mother
"This is the first time I've stayed in this room since I got married." Jill pointed out when I brought her home from the airport last Friday. We were up in "her" room getting the portacrib set up for Deven and getting her unpacked.
Had it really been that long? Her last night in that bed was May 29, 1998.
But there has been no reason for her to stay here -- up until May of this year, she and Derrick lived in a lovely loft on S. Michigan Ave in the city. And now they are Floridians. (At least they are Floridians when they are here -- when in Florida, they are Chicagoans, and true Bears fans.)
So this was the first time I had really had an opportunity to observe her as a mother over an extended period of time.
Quite frankly, I think she gets an A+. She's a super mom. She's loving and patient with Deven. She doesn't push past his boundaries. She recognizes when he is tired and needs a nap or to go to bed. She doesn't make mealtimes a battle, though I wouldn't call Deven the world's most voracious eater. When she was a bit slow getting him up to his crib one afternoon, he beat her up there, and was waiting for her to "put" him to bed.
Deven responds to this positive parenting. He only required two time outs when he was here....pretty good for a 27 month old and an entire week. There was (maybe) one small tantrum. (Grammies are very good at forgetting that sort of thing).
We did discuss how much easier it is to teach good manners ("What do you say when you want something, Deven?" "Pwease." "That's right!" "Can you say hi to Miss Nancy?" "Hi to Miss Nawncy." "Good job, Deven!") when you have only one child to concentrate on rather than two less than two years apart.
Things will get tougher when a second one comes along. But she's laid an excellent foundation.
Yup -- my Jilly is a GREAT mother!!
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
The Grandbaby Cometh!

We've not seen Deven since May. My goodness but a lot changes in 5 months! Especially when the change in question is related to a going-on-two-year-old. Language acquisition is just about my favorite part of babyhood. It is simply astonishing to see how quickly the vocabulary grows. But watch what you say -- Mr. Deven is a parrot of the first degree!!
They arrived last Friday afternoon, Torrey and Chris following shortly thereafter. It's been a fun week, what with enjoying the Halloween festivities including a trip to Sonny Acres. And I don't think that Jill will have missed seeing any of her friends by the time she leaves Friday afternoon. She's gotten in a trip to her old stomping grounds at Northwestern, visited downtown Chicago, her old loft, Navy Pier, the outlet mall, Chuckie Cheese, church, the World Market, Yorktown, and has been out for breakfast, lunch and dinner most days....
And of course, there was trick 'n treating last night. Deven went out twice, but I do think he had more fun trying to help me hand out candy. We only had 354 visitors last night -- down from our all time high of 382 last year. (Yes, we keep track -- sad, I know.) It was so fun having a little dinosaur here this year....