Mother of the Bride Spot

Random thoughts on being a Mother of the Bride...although since we are now past The Wedding, perhaps this would be better titled Random Thoughts On Life In General...

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Ask Me About My Children

Just before church this morning, one of my casual friends whom I've not talked to for awhile stopped and asked me about my family -- specifically my children. She has 8, three of whom mirrored my three in ages, stages, and grades.

I realized after we chatted that there is nothing I like better than to be asked about my children. Never mind what I'm doing -- that is boring. Ask me about Jill -- Torrey -- Tim -- and I'm in my element.

I suppose it is because I think my children are amazing. I'm immensely proud of them. All three are utilizing the gifts God gave them, and all three of them are serving Him in their own special ways.

So yes, ask me about me, and I can tell you the salient points in about 11.6 seconds.

But ask me about my CHILDREN, and I can wax eloquent for hours.

Maybe you don't want to ask me about my children.


At 7:11 AM, Blogger RCO said...

Jan, I know what you mean!! I'm mighty proud of my nieces and nephew and thankful to the Lord for them and their parents and the husbands of my nieces. Of course we are all still waiting on Tim in the marriage department of his life. And as for us, we wouldn't trade our children and their spouses for anyone else in the world!! I know you know what I mean. :o)


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