The Joy of Speaking

Random thoughts on being a Mother of the Bride...although since we are now past The Wedding, perhaps this would be better titled Random Thoughts On Life In General...
I just talked to Jill who had gone to a nurse practitoner conference in FL for several days, leaving Deven & Derrick home to fend for themselves. Evidently it looked a bit like a bachelor pad when she got home... I can just imagine.
We leave three weeks from today. Between now and then I have to finish this lactation course -- we are in Oklahoma City, go to West Virginia and teach another 5 day lactation course, go to Bloomington IN and teach a one day Building Bridges -- and at some point, pack our bags.
While I was busy teaching last week, Bob decided to take Munchkin in to see the vet and to get his furry mats taken care of. You may remember we've been expecting Munch to leave us for the kitty version of Narnia -- further up and further in -- any time now.
During the summer, Friday night is "Classic Car Night." Two blocks on Front Street are devoted to old cars of various and assorted vintages, and folks of all ages (and vintages) stroll up and down admiring said cars, heading to Tate's for ice cream, or down to the Dairy Queen for a cookie dough Blizzard. Music that matches the vintage of the cars -- primarily 50's & 60's rock and roll blares out from the speakers set up in Martin Plaza.
Last week Carole and I headed to Bloomington IN to do a couple of programs. IN WIC (Women, Infants & Children -- a federal program providing nutrition education and support to qualified women and children up to age 5) is sponsoring "Building Bridges" and "Connecting Bridges" for hospital personnel, community partners and WIC. The goal is to get everyone on the same page regarding breastfeeding education and to build bridges between hospitals and the community.