Mother of the Bride Spot

Random thoughts on being a Mother of the Bride...although since we are now past The Wedding, perhaps this would be better titled Random Thoughts On Life In General...

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Parle vous Francais?

It's been two weeks of immersion in French. Tim doesn't think he "parle vous" very well -- but evidently well enough that he can carry on a semi deep discussion with JP about global warming and the Kyoto Treaty.

Not bad for two weeks.

Only two spills with the bike thus far.

Our boxes got to him -- Jen & I packed a bunch of goodies with the J Crew pants he ordered the day before he left -- some crackers, frosted mini-wheat cereal, Mike & Ikes, gummy worms, a movie and a CD; a couple of books, another converter, a little plastic pet (a scorpion) that he'll have to take care of, some Legos....all that really important stuff to remind one of home.

Then I panicked over him using his Mac with the converter we sent, and high tailed it over to the Apple store to get a *real* converter. Why we didn't think of that when we BOUGHT the silly thing, I'll never know....

Anyway, both the boxes arrived -- the Mac converter on Wednesday, the big box on Thursday. He's charged up the computer and is now able to watch some movies.

Today he's in Geneva Switzerland on an excursion with the school.

I am going to Indiana.

Geneva, Switzerland....Indiana, USA.

At least I won't have to parle Francais.


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