Mother of the Bride Spot

Random thoughts on being a Mother of the Bride...although since we are now past The Wedding, perhaps this would be better titled Random Thoughts On Life In General...

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Happy Birthday, Torrey!

Today is your birthday.....

I woke up thinking about your Birth Day....

It was a wonderful day, despite the fact you were over two weeks overdue. They allowed that back then! We went in for a non-stress test since we were doing those weekly after your due date. Then they decided to do a stress test (using pitocin), and then the doc said, "How about we just go for it and induce." I was all for that. I enjoy being pregnant, but this was getting a little old.

Things went along swimmingly until suddenly the contractions really really kicked in! Wow! Intense! But they told me I was 9 cm dilated -- at which point, I was able to organize things for this first birth in the "birthing room." (Good thing I brought posters to decorate the labor room!).

"Get the photographer!" Your birth was duely recorded by our hospital photographer (who ultimately missed his own son's birth because of being on assignment!)

"Oh, I want Bob to cut the cord!" At which point the physician wanted to know if I wanted him to deliver you. That sounded cool -- although Daddy looked a bit dazed!

You were born to the 1812 Overture -- you were supposed to come when the cannons were booming, but you arrived faster than that. It was a slow day in labor and delivery, so all the nurses lined up in the hall to watch the proceedings! After it was all over, the nurses sang a bit of the Hallelujah Chorus to us over the intercom.

So, at 2:05 pm, you made an appearance, all 9-2 1/2 of you. I remember saying to Daddy, "How I wish you could be me for just 5 minutes. I can't even begin to describe how ecstatic I am!" I felt as though there was a big balloon blowing up inside of me that was going to burst with excitement!

Your wedding is going to be a wonderful, exciting, emotional day. But interestingly enough, the memories will actually fade, though you will remember bits and pieces of it. I'm SO glad you have chosen such an excellent photographer!

When your children are born -- oh, my! You will remember that day so very very clearly. You will remember what people said and did, and you'll remember your feelings during labor and after your precious baby is born. I can't believe that it has been 27 years since that amazing day.....

How ever did you get from this:

To this?

Happy Birthday, Torrey Beth! I love you!


At 12:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

from a former BSC student in Ottawa, IL...Tears in my eyes as those familiar feelings rise up in my mother heart too. Thanks for a good shot of estrogen for this middle-aged momma. Did you say writing career? Go for it! Mary Malinsky

At 12:44 PM, Anonymous Mother of the Bride Outfits said...

Lovely pics!


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