Mother of the Bride Spot

Random thoughts on being a Mother of the Bride...although since we are now past The Wedding, perhaps this would be better titled Random Thoughts On Life In General...

Saturday, December 08, 2007

"Oh Come Let Us Adore Him...."

Last night we attended the annual Wheaton College Christmas Festival, held in Edman Chapel, featuring the Men's Glee Club, a percussion ensemble, the Women's Chorale, a flute ensemble, the Concert Choir, the Symphony Orchestra -- and all of the above combined. It was magnificent!

I talked to Tim yesterday morning -- he's coming home a week from today, not that either of us are counting!! -- but one of the things he is missing is Christmas music. It never dawned on him to download any to his computer; when at home he hears so much of it that by the end of the season, he's had enough. But he is missing the music and all the "stuff" of Christmas that we decry because it starts so early...but if you were in a country that doesn't acknowledge Christmas at all -- you'd miss the lights, the decorations, the special programs, the trees, the gifts, the food, the parties, the Christmas Eve services at church -- and yes, even the 267th rendition of "Silver Bells."

Now THAT was a run on sentence. Mr Gow (high school journalism) would have given me an immediate F, "you little potsy you."

It occurred to me -- not for the first time -- that one of the huge differences between Christianity and other world religions is music. It started, I'm sure, with the angelic choir singing "Glory to God in the Highest..." on the night that Jesus was born. It has gone on from there. The love of Jesus has inspired some of the greatest musical creations ever. Is there any other religion in which the people worship by singing?

As the music swelled to a crescendo -- including the audience of 2500, I couldn't help but be overwhelmed with thankfulness and gratefulness that God had given us this ability to express our love to him.

Oh come, let us adore Him -- Christ the Lord!


At 10:53 AM, Blogger RCO said...

So true.

At 9:25 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like this post. Christmas music & more specifically God-glorifying Christmas music-- doesn't get much better than that!


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