Mother of the Bride Spot

Random thoughts on being a Mother of the Bride...although since we are now past The Wedding, perhaps this would be better titled Random Thoughts On Life In General...

Friday, November 30, 2007

A Brief Pause... the ongoing report of our trip to Morocco to announce the arrival of Charlotte Elaine -- first baby for nephew Rob Jr (who will always be Robbie to me) and his wife Tina, and first grandbaby for my sister Rosie and BIL Rob. Charlotte arrived on 11/28, all 8#1 ounce of her.

Of COURSE she is beautiful as befits a member of our family!

I'm glad to have company in the ranks of Grammie. Rosie will be Lao Lao (which is what our grandmother and mother were called, and which means "old old" in Chinese. It is also the name for the mother's mother -- the father's mother is Ni Ni).

LAO is also baby Charlotte's auntie's initials -- Liz Anne is Robbie's youngest sister.

Hm -- Then we could have Lao Lao and Auntie LAO. :>D

Congratulations y'all!!

Robbie, Granddaddy Rob and sweet baby Charlotte, Lao Lao, Tina, Liz Anne (AKA LAO), and Reuben. I KNOW Helen Clare wants to be in this picture too....


At 12:57 PM, Blogger CuzNuz Ruth said...

Hi Jan, I'm confused. You said, 'Rosie will be Lao Lao (which is what our grandmother and mother were called, and which means "old old" in Chinese. It is also the name for the mother's mother -- the father's mother is Ni Ni.' She is the father's mother so wouldn't she be called Ni Ni instead of Lao Lao?

At 1:04 PM, Blogger Grammie Jan said...

Ruth -- technically she SHOULD be Ni Ni, but since no one in our immediate family except Rick's son called a grandmother Ni Ni, Rosie will be Lao Lao -- and who but us knows that it is the name of the mother's mother???

At 8:57 PM, Blogger RCO said...

Jan, you're the greatest!! Thank you for posting our happy news and including some pictures too. We are still on Cloud 9. My feet have yet to touch the ground and as the saying goes, "I'm not worth shootin'" right now. And thank you, too, for your explanation and clarification of Lao Lao!!

At 4:40 PM, Blogger An Ami in Berlin said...

What fun getting to see the pictures all over again on your blog! This was great. Didn't you just feel all the love goin' round there in that room?!! It jumped right out at me through the pictures...


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