Mother of the Bride Spot

Random thoughts on being a Mother of the Bride...although since we are now past The Wedding, perhaps this would be better titled Random Thoughts On Life In General...

Friday, December 02, 2005

33 1/2 hours....

We are really on the countdown now. We've picked up the wedding dress, Torrey is having her ring cleaned and the prongs for the stones tightened. Chris got home last night, my two sisters and their families arrived last night (at exactly the same time -- one driving 800 miles from eastern PA; the other driving 850 miles from Mississippi) to much tea and merriment and lots of stories for Tina -- Robbie's fiancee. (Sorry Robbie -- you will ALWAYS be Robbie to me, even if you are known as Rob, Jr.) We have a full house and it is so exciting! Debbie brought over a full pot of soup, cornbread and cookies so I don't have to cook -- or even apply heat to food for these next couple of days. Bless her!!

Tim and Reuben left at 6:30 this morning to get Liz Anne from O'Hare. They took two sets of directions and my new GPS system. Hopefully they'll get her OK. So far, no phone calls.

The downstairs toilet has plugged up. I'll leave that job to my longsuffering husband.....

The ladies at the bridal salon told us that Torrey and I were the most relaxed mother/bride combo they'd seen in a long time.

I hide it well.

Actually, as long as I have everything on a list, I'm OK. It's wondering if I have forgotten to add something to the list that makes me stressed.

I'll feel better when the kids actually have their marriage license in hand. That's on the to do list for today. Plus meeting with Uncle Rob and Uncle Tim to discuss the ceremony tomorrow. And getting everything over to the church tonight for the rehearsal and dinner....

Did I mention the e-mail that went out on Wednesday to the entire church family asking them to come help decorate the church for Christmas on Saturday from 12 - 4.

Didn't stress me out a bit when I read it.....ARGHHHHHHHHHHHH!

No, not a bit.

Correction went out yesterday. I expect that next week this will be funny. Maybe once I see the church all decorated tonight it will be funny....

Now, of course, that we have given the guarantee to the reception hall and paid the final bill -- the "Oh gee, we are so sorry, but we'll be unable to make it...." calls and e-mails are coming in.

Oh well. We have the bride, groom, two ministers, and my complete family.

They can get married, even if no one else shows up.

And the important thing is NOT the wedding, NOT the reception, NOT the cake or the flowers or the music.

The important thing is the marriage.

And that will happen, regardless of anything else.

Torrey and Chris can't wait to BE married.

It's a beautiful thing.


At 10:28 AM, Blogger Rebecca said...

I still remember my biggest last minute wedding stress points:

1. Back in our day, we had to have blood tests within 30 days of the wedding. I did mine too early for some ridiculous reason, and had to have them redone. The doctor's office lost those results. It started to look like we weren't going to get our license in time.

"Oh, no!" I cried to my father. "How can I go on the honeymoon if I'm not legally married?"

He said the most shocking words I've ever heard come out of his mouth: "It's only a piece of paper, honey." Seeing that I was completely flabbergasted, he added, "What matters is that when I pronounce you husband and wife, you will be married in God's eyes."

We got the blood test results and marriage license in the afternoon, mere hours before our wedding.

2. During the rehearsal the night before the wedding, the wedding hostess (I was later told she was among several women who had hoped my husband would marry them instead of me) kept telling me ominously, "Your wedding will be a complete disaster."

3. When I arrived home with only about an hour to spare before I had to be at the church, my younger brother greeted me at the door with the words, "Daddy forgot his suit and had to drive back to get it."

"Haha!" said I, knowing this was some sort of pesky little brother prank, and I was not going to fall for it.

Turns out he was telling the truth. My father had to battle Friday rush hour traffic all the way (a drive that normally took two hours round trip). His late arrival would have postponed the wedding, except that almost all of our guests arrived even later.

Then there was the tipsy wedding photographer, but I was oblivious to that until after we viewed the very disappointing wedding pictures.

But I'm sure Torrey's wedding will be perfect!

We love laughing over some of our wedding mishaps. None of them "ruined" the wedding. It just struck me that they were all quite prophetic of our marriage in many ways.

We still are doing things either way prematurely or in the last minute.

We still have naysayers whispering words of doom into our ears, and we've learned not to let them get to us. Over twenty years later, with children who are not juvenile delinquents, the naysayers are saying a lot less these days.

In a family our size, it seems like someone is always forgetting some article of clothing somewhere.

Not having good pictures is the story of our lives. In the photography department, we seem plagued by batteries dying, lenses mysteriously fogging up, lost film, lost prints, lost slides, accidental erasures of "the best picture I ever took" on digital cameras, etc., etc. Over Thanksgiving, my eldest son's brand new camera ended up taking a quick bath in a pitcher of water. It figures.

Oh, well --- with each passing year, we grow more thankful that we're married to each other, and we have wonderful children --- what more could possibly matter?


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