Mother of the Bride Spot

Random thoughts on being a Mother of the Bride...although since we are now past The Wedding, perhaps this would be better titled Random Thoughts On Life In General...

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

The 42nd Anniversary

Many folks remember that today is the 42nd anniversary of the assassination of John F. Kennedy. Most of us can remember exactly where we were and what we were doing when we heard the news that he had been shot.

But how many of us remember that today is also the 42nd anniversary of the death of Aldous Huxley -- author of Brave New World?

More importantly though -- today is also the 42nd anniversary of the death of C.S. Lewis -- Christian author and philosopher that has has impacted far more lives around the world than either of the other two. Lewis' writings continue to be amazingly influential -- witness the December unveiling of the first book in the Chronicles of Narnia -- The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. I was just 11 when I was first introduced to Peter, Susan, Edmund, Lucy, Mr. Tumnus, the White Witch -- and best of all, to Aslan. I've read the series over and over and still can't decide which of the books is my favorite....I love them all.

Lewis wrote many other incredible books that are favorites of mine: Mere Christianity, Screwtape Letters, his space trilogy, The Great Divorce, (if you haven't read that one, do pick it up -- it'll give you a new view of heaven and hell....), Letters to Malcolm, and too many others to list.

Lewis' death went virtually unnoticed here in the United States 42 years ago -- overshadowed as it was by the untimely demise of JFK.

Camelot was short lived.

But Narnia will remain forever!


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