Mother of the Bride Spot

Random thoughts on being a Mother of the Bride...although since we are now past The Wedding, perhaps this would be better titled Random Thoughts On Life In General...

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Critters on the Brain

The other morning, approximately 4:37 am, Bob got up to go downstairs with The Munch while he ate (he has to have company, regardless of the time -- long story). Anyway, I kinda woke up when he got out of bed -- and then thought, "Gee, I thought he took the cat downstairs. Why does it feel as though there are critters under the bed, moving it? Maybe Munch is still there?" At which point I fell back asleep and didn't give it another thought....until....

I got an e-mail from Carole asking me if I had noticed the earthquake early in the morning.

So THAT'S what it was. Not critters -- an earthquake!

Bob didn't notice it at all....


At 11:58 AM, Blogger RCO said...

Gotta love the Bob!!! ;o)


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