Mother of the Bride Spot

Random thoughts on being a Mother of the Bride...although since we are now past The Wedding, perhaps this would be better titled Random Thoughts On Life In General...

Thursday, November 15, 2007

100,000 miles

No, not frequent flyer. Torrey's car. When I was with them on Tuesday night it turned from 99,999 (yes, we took a picture)

to 100,000. Of course we took a picture!

I reminded Torrey of when I took a picture of the van turning over to 100,000 miles. And she reminded me that Daddy/Bob was rather upset -- not with the 100,000 miles, but that I was caught driving 70 mph whilst taking said picture.


That puts both Chris & Torrey's car over 100,000. The beast is at 185,000 + -- we are hoping it makes it to at least 225,000. Makes Bob's car (Madame Blueberry) the youngster at only 55,000.

AKKKKKKKKKKKKK --- did I mention that exactly 24 hours from now we will be in Morocco -- with TIM??!!!

"Oh, the bags are packed, we're ready to go -- we're standing here, outside something or other cuz we're leaving on a jet plane....!"

Au revoir, mon ami.


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