Mother of the Bride Spot

Random thoughts on being a Mother of the Bride...although since we are now past The Wedding, perhaps this would be better titled Random Thoughts On Life In General...

Friday, August 11, 2006

Happy B-Day to my Jilly!

My eldest is 32 today. Wow. Just looking at that sentence makes me feel old.

Hey -- I AM old! And two weeks from today the numbers will shout it out. But meanwhile, it's Jill's day to shine.

I hope it is shining...I talked to her on Tim's birthday; Deven had gone back to day care one day and picked up another virus -- this one a particularly virulent and nasty strain of hand, foot & mouth disease. Brother Rick wanted to know if you get it from putting your foot in your mouth...

Not this kind, unfortunately. It's a lot nastier -- blisters and sores all over his poor little mouth, tongue, soft palate and tonsils. It hurts to swallow, so he's drooling. And he's beginning to lose weight. The "foot IN mouth" disease would be a lot easier to take!

So I don't know how wonderfully Jill's birthday is going. They were planning a trip to Shark Beach today, but with Deven feeling as awful as he is I suspect they are just going to stay home.

Just talked to her -- her present is that all the permits have been turned into the builders and ground on their home will actually be broken by the end of the month! Deven is still pretty miserable, but he's able to eat and drink a little so he's at least staying hydrated. I'm sorry they aren't here so we can help out a bit.

Meanwhile, the weather is cool and clear here in the Windy City suburbs. I'm on the front porch just enjoying not being hot for once, appreciating the music of AOL XM Classic Pops, and thinking of and praying for my beautiful daughter whom I miss so very much.

Happy birthday, sweetie!


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