Mother of the Bride Spot

Random thoughts on being a Mother of the Bride...although since we are now past The Wedding, perhaps this would be better titled Random Thoughts On Life In General...

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Stepping Heavenward....

....was the title of a very old book that my mother allowed me to read on Sundays. (Sundays, being a day of rest, was saved for biographies, missionary epics and Bible stories -- at least when I was a preteen). Stepping Heavenward was fiction, but written in a journal form so it appeared to be autobiographical. Written in the late 1800s, it captured my fancy -- and that of both my sisters when they became older. I think each of us has a copy somewhere, though I'd be hard pressed to put my hands on the falling out pages right now.

While we are all in the process of stepping heavenward -- or not, as the case may be -- one of my dearest friends just took her last step on March 1. Marsha was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer the first of February, 2005. 90% of all those with this type of cancer die within a year -- Marsha lasted 13 months. But Marsha didn't just *last*. Marsha ministered to all of us that came in contact with her during this time. Her daughter, Linnea, and husband Ed kept us all appraised of what was happening through "Marsha's Blog". The scripture they posted that they found helpful, the words of the hymns that particularly spoke to them touched each of us that looked for updates nearly daily.

The memorial service on Sunday was packed out. It was beautiful. Ed and Linnea sang while son Paul played the cello. There were hymns, remembrances, reflections, and a brief message.

For nearly 24 years I could call Marsha my friend. I'm so very glad I knew her. She and Ed were part of our Life Group for about the past 15. Paul and Torrey went through elementary, middle, and high school together.

She knew I didn't cook, but she would say to me, "Jan, Jan, if you can read, you can cook...."

It didn't improve my cooking, but it did make me laugh!

Her husband and children called her blessed -- as in Proverbs 31.

The rest of us do too.

And we were blessed to be a part of her life.


At 8:04 PM, Blogger Tricia said...

Jan, I'm sorry for your loss. I had a friend who battled pancreatic cancer for more than 2 years, but succumbed last year in April. I hope the memories of your good times together will help sustain you as you grieve.


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